You are Helping

Thank you to everyone who has played a part in the recent Back the Blue Rallies all over the United States.  I especially like the rallies in Phoenix where my son, David Glasser, who was a police officer was killed in the line of duty May 18, 2016.

I know seeing all these people supporting Law Enforcement helps the police officers who are out on the front lines everyday.  It helps their families who see their officers sacrificing so much every day, day after day, to serve our communities.

I wanted you to know that it also helps and encourages people like me who are survivors of a line of duty death.  It’s very hard to watch and read about the lack of understanding and gratitude some people have towards law enforcement officers when my son and so many other officers have given their lives to protect these same people.

We have lost so much.  I have lost so much.

I know that millions of Americans support and respect police officers and it’s truly great to see that majority start to speak up and become visible!  It’s important that the negative groups see it as well so they understand that they are the minority.

I’ve always hated situations where those screaming loudest are getting all the attention.  So it makes me smile when I see groups positively and respectfully showing their support for the good guys.

I received this picture from a recent Back the Blue Rally in Phoenix.  This is awesome!  If anyone knows this person, please tell them I love the fact that they were remembering and honoring Davey at the rally!  It feels right for Davey’s shirt to be there – he loved his brothers and sisters in Blue with all his heart.  Thank you!

It’s great whenever any of our fallen officers are remembered and honored.  If anyone has any more pictures of fallen officers being represented at rallies, please send them my way.  I’d love to see them and share them.

All of this helps survivors like me whose hearts have been shattered and whose lives have been blown apart.

We are encouraged – thank you.

Miss you, Davey.


4 thoughts on “You are Helping

  1. Mike

    Peggy and I attended a “Support LAPD Rally” at the LAPD headquarters building in downtown LA yesterday. Despite the attendance of 300-400 people displaying signs of support for our law enforcement community, there was only one local media news van present. In checking that news agency’s broadcast later in the day, I found that they did not feel the event was worth running a story. It is a very sad commentary on the distortion of the news in a locale as large as Southern California. May God bless our officers in these troubling times.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think its’s great you were there! Do you have any pictures you can share with me? One of the things I appreciate about Facebook is we can share these events even when the media shows their bias. Love you💙💙


    2. Cindy

      I will share this on my FB page Judy and thank you again for another beautifully written blog. You say it so well. The support and respect for our Officers who sacrifice their lives is so important and we need to see More media coverage for these People; and less coverage for the protesters. When the media stops covering their protests; they may stop the bad behavior. Take care and keep writing your blogs Judy. Love you.💙💙💙

      Liked by 1 person

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